Cammie Buehler calls herself “a 5th generation Leelanau summer kid,” and her roots in this peninsula run deep. Her great-great grandfather, Leo Cloud, was a widowed mining engineer who worked […]

Cammie Buehler calls herself “a 5th generation Leelanau summer kid,” and her roots in this peninsula run deep. Her great-great grandfather, Leo Cloud, was a widowed mining engineer who worked […]
80-Acre Addition Along with State Land Swap Will Provide New Access and Fantastic Views Conservancy founders Ed and Bobbie Collins remember well the trip they took to Chicago some 30 years […]
Here in the ‘land of delight’, we are blessed with an abundance of water. Did you know the Conservancy has been working to protect Leelanau’s clean water since our first […]
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We all need to be guardians of Leelanau. Recently our Executive Director, Tom Nelson, talked about how the Conservancy channels people’s love and passion for Leelanau into making good things […]
If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water. – Scientist Loren Eiseley To the Leelanau Peninsula, water truly is magic. It’s the one of the most […]
The older I get, the more I enjoy being around young people. They give me hope for the future in what often seems to be a crazy and chaotic world. […]
Miriam-Webster’s Definition of Stewardship: “The conducting, supervising, or managing of something; especially : the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one’s care.” From our Fall 2018 Newsletter–This spring, Natural Areas and […]
In 2013 while conducting a botanical survey along the shore beneath Clay Cliffs, two of our staff members came upon a pair of eagles. One, which looked to be an […]
Dick Swan grew up climbing trees and playing in the pristine stream that has been owned by his family for the last 140 years. As an avid fly fisherman and […]