Like many Leelanau residents, Karin came to this beautiful area for many years before buying property here. Now, the more she’s here, the more she’s thrilled to learn about the natural and human history of this extremely special place. “Although I have a degree in conservation of natural resources, I’ve never worked in that field, but I’ve maintained an acute layperson’s interest in environmental preservation issues throughout my life,” Karin says.
Professionally, after accumulating a couple of other degrees in different fields, Karin taught in a college English department for a number of years before finding her calling as a museum educator. In her museum work she was passionate about conversational and discovery-based learning and using museum collections as learning resources in new and different ways. Karin ran a large docent program at a well-known museum in Chicago and has trained many art museum docents in interactive teaching techniques. She considers engaging audiences/visitors/students the most crucial component of any learning experience and she truly enjoys talking with and learning from everyone!
Now that she’s retired, Karin hopes to “transfer her teaching skills to hikes with Conservancy property visitors as we encounter these stellar natural areas together.” She thinks the possibilities for discovery are boundless, so invites you to “c’mon along!”