Thank you, Sustainers, whether you have recently joined or been with us since year one, we are grateful for your participation in this important giving circle. Your annual pledge to support our operations ensures that our long-term goals to conserve Leelanau’s land and water resources can be met.
“Peter and I discovered Leelanau County 10 years ago, and immediately fell in love with it. Each year we make the 14-hour trip with our pets from our home in Philadelphia, and stay for up to a month at a time. The area’s natural beauty is extraordinary, and we return home renewed after every visit.

We decided to join the Leelanau Conservancy because its wide-ranging efforts to preserve the things we find beautiful and important are truly effective. The Conservancy gets things done; it makes a difference. We wanted to be a part of that, and as Sustainer Circle members have found that the monthly contribution option works best for us.
Although I don’t live in Leelanau
County, not a day goes by that I don’t think of its beauty. It’s my absolute
favorite place, and I hope to one day call it home.–Maria Garcia Bulkley
Joined the Sustainers Circle in 2018
Jeremiah and Kristi Avery
Troy and Melissa Biddix
Andrew and Yolanda Bone
Peter and Maria Garcia Bulkley * (pictured)
Meg and Rich Delor
Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Fazzoni
Gene and Kathy Garthe
Dr. and Mrs. Albert B. Janko
Liz Ketterer and Tom Balazs
Thomas and Mary Ann Knowles
Rob and Linda Lanphier
Augie, Kim & Kaia Manrique
Carol and Michael Manty
Dan and Lynne Mapes-Riordan
Kay and Pete Rossiter
Perry and Deborah Samson
Amy and Brian Tennis
Ben and Cynthia Weese
Mr. M. Richard Zinman