Will Power
A will can be a powerful tool and provide a lasting legacy for both the people and the causes you care most about. One of our Heritage Society members, Warren Watkins, says, “Leelanau has been an important part of my life since childhood, and the work that the Conservancy has done to protect the peninsula means a lot to me.”
We know that you love your special peninsula, and hope that you’ll consider including the Leelanau Conservancy as part of your estate plan. We can accept all kinds of assets, from retirement plan accounts to gifts of land.
The New Year is a great time to think about the future. We suggest you talk with your legal and financial advisors and create a will or update your current one.
Your Legacy Matters
The Leelanau Conservancy can help you save Leelanau for future generations of people and wildlife. I would love to visit with you to discuss your thoughts and wishes for leaving a meaningful legacy.
Emma Stoppani
Major Gifts Officer
Learn more about joining the Richard O. Ristine Heritage Society