Identity is the intersection of how individuals identify and how they are identified by others. It is the story of who we are and the better these stories can be told directly reflects how smooth connections between different individuals or groups can be.
Brett Sinclair is an Interculturalist, Marketer, and Project Manager who just wants to help people not face barriers as they seek to affirm their own passions. He does this through his Marketing Agency, Raven & Lotus, by using a storytelling approach that puts core values first when telling narratives to customers and communities while putting the focus on the needs of that audience.
As a neuro-diverse, indigenous, black, and white individual, Sinclair has seen how systems affect people’s ability to fully participate in society. Challenges of inclusion are a key factor in the health of a community and individuals, and he seeks to use his background in Project Management and Teaching to foster everyone’s ability to be human with other humans. Founding Sonder DEI, a community action network, has been a gift opportunity to further this work “Up North”. One day he hopes to own a tea shop and brewery in a lighthouse with a bookstore to be a centre for these ideas.