Exciting News for Cross-Country Skiers!
Thanks to Friends of Sleeping Bear and their fantastic volunteers, trails at Palmer Woods were groomed regularly! We hope to have more than 3.5 miles of trail groomed several times this winter, as conditions and our partners enable it to happen. If you visit, be sure to check out the kiosk map which indicates groomed trails. We welcome your feedback if you are out skiing or snowshoeing at beautiful Palmer Woods. Enjoy this winter wonderland!
Snowshoers and hikers; the trails are wide so please avoid walking on top of of the ski tracks. Thank you!
Click Here For Latest Grooming Info:
Thanks to Friends of Sleeping Bear trail grooming volunteers, George Quarderer (left) and Kerry Kelly, who have been so helpful. The snowmobile in this photo was donated by Mark Iuppenlatz–thank you!