More than anything here at the Leelanau Conservancy, we miss our people. We miss seeing you in the office, on docent-led hikes, working alongside you at our beautiful natural areas. We miss gathering with you for meetings and events. We miss the school children, the mailing crews, our partners. Some day we will meet again. But until then, we will have to connect online. Below are some photos of Conservancy friends that have helped to move our mission forward. Stay home if you can, stay safe, until we see each other again! Also…if you are a social media user, please take a minute to post your favorite photo of Leelanau and tag it with #leelanautogether.
When the dangers of this Pandemic and getting together have passed, we will need our volunteers more than ever. Take the pledge now to volunteer later by filling out this form. Questions about volunteering? Contact Lindy Kellogg She will connect with you to learn about your interests and availability.