The news out there is disconcerting. Please know we care deeply about all of the people connected to us—staff, board, volunteers, supporters, partners—and of course everyone with whom we share this planet.
Closer to home, our office has been temporarily closed until March 27th. This closure may be extended if necessary. Still, the work to preserve Leelanau does not stop. As we move our operations online, there will naturally be a period of adjustment. Please bear with us. We will let everyone know when the office will reopen as soon as this date is determined.
In the meantime, calls to our office land line at (231) 256-9665 will provide prompts for contact information for staff. You can find our staff email addresses at
Finally, in this time of social distancing, we hope you’ll take the opportunity to get outdoors. Remember, the Conservancy’s natural areas and preserves are there for you.
We are thinking of you all,
Tom Nelson