You heard that right, goats! An army of rent-a-goats will vacation at Clay Cliffs Natural Area starting in May, “conservation grazing” on the densest infestation of garlic mustard known to our properties along M-22. Garlic mustard is an invasive species that crowds out native plants, and could threaten the many beautiful wildflowers like the pink ladyslippers found at Clay Cliffs.
Luckily, goats love to eat garlic mustard and will munch plants to the ground before they produce billions of seeds. The goats will be corralled with a temporary solar-powered electric fence and will bed down in a livestock trailer at night. Staff and volunteers will be freed up to pull at areas where the plant is sparse to help control its spread.
Want to learn more about our new furry friends? Please join us at a spring workbee to see the goats in action! See the schedule and sign up here.