Send us a photo of what your Leelanau looks like.
What makes this place special to you? We’d love to hear about why you’re passionate about life in Leelanau. If you have a photo that captures a favorite memory, place, or moment, we’d be thrilled to see it! JPG files work best, but we also accept BMP, TIFF, or PNG formats. Just be sure to name your photo with your name and a short description, like: Mary_Smith_Whaleback.jpg.
When you send your photo, please share a sentence or two about why you chose it—what you were doing when you took it or the feeling it brings back. We can’t wait to hear your story!
We love receiving photos, but please limit your submission to three photos per email. Thank you!
By sending us this information, you agree that it can be posted on this website, on social media, or in a print publication.
We can’t wait to hear from you! To submit an entry, please send an e-mail to