My wife, Judith and I have been coming to Leelanau for over 25 years. It is a delightful place and it is an honor to be a docent for the Leelanau Conservancy natural areas and preserves.
My wife was born and raised in Petoskey and I lived there from 1961 through 1968 after moving “Up North” from Monroe County in the Southeast Corner of Michigan in seventh grade. I fell in love with Northwest Michigan in a heartbeat! We both planned to move back since we left to find work in southern Michigan and Leelanau most represents the Petoskey of our memories. After 48 years we are both back “Up North” and loving every minute.
I received a degree in Environmental Sciences with majors in Soil Science and Water Resource Management. I spent 10 years mapping soils in 7 counties in the lower and upper peninsulas of Michigan and then worked 26 years for the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development in Watershed Management and Drainage. I love the outdoors and the natural world and love to garden, hike, XC ski, snowshoe, canoe/kayak, fish and to try and capture its beauty and majesty in photographs and paintings.
Leading hikes in the Conservancy properties is such a pleasure. We as docents get to share our small part of the knowledge of Leelanau County and its natural features while enjoying wonderful company. The hikers/paddlers that join us bring a great diversity of knowledge and experience which enriches the adventure for all of us. I hope to see many of you on future trips.