I loved the idea of being a docent the moment I knew they existed. Jackie and I both wanted to work with the Conservancy after I retired from Ford the end of 2006. We moved to our house south of Suttons Bay in 2007 and started working with the Conservancy that year. We are not Michigan natives and our daughters live out of state, but selecting Leelanau county as our retirement home reflected the compatability of who we are with the special nature of the landscape and its people . My business and engineering educational background is not a direct fit to being a docent, but being a docent combines my lifelong interest in birds, trees and nature in general. So far, the hikes I’ve led at the DeYoung Farm have been interesting for me and apparently for the participants as well. If anyone is interested in touring the property, a hike can be tailored to your needs. The property is a mirror of the historic growth of the area and has interesting aspects of architectural & farming history as well as diverse ecological attributes from cedar swamps to hardwood highlands.