From the grandmother who kept “pet” snakes in her woodpile, the stepfather who patiently helped classify a 100-insect collection, the botany teacher who sizzled fungi over a high school Bunsen burner to the college prof who inspired awe in diversity, great teachers have blessed my life. I have been warped by the wonders of the natural world and infected by enthusiasm for them. In one capacity or another for most of a long life, I have shared information about things buggy, leafy, feathery, scaly or furry with anyone who will listen — as scout leader, zoo, Audubon & Saving Birds thru Habitat docent. Being a docent offers a way to share the wonders of this very special part of the world with those who seek delight, wisdom or solace outdoors. And from them, as all docents know, I will learn more than I can teach.