Lake Leelanau Watershed Initiative Preserves 2 More Parcels: Total of 316 Acres Protected In Phase II All Together! This fall, the Leelanau Conservancy completed a very successful three-year grant project […]

Say No to Sweet Woodruff
Pretty? Yes. Fragrant? Yes. Deadly to native wildflowers? Yes! When choosing plants at the nursery this spring, please don’t buy sweet woodruff. In the photo at right you can see […]
Cedar River 100 Acre Addition Profiled in Record Eagle
List of Landowner Stories
Ansorge: Solon Swamp Bardenhagen Farms: East Leland Bartle/Spaulding: Lake Leelanau WS Berkshire-Sprouse: Glen Lake Area Bronwyn Jones: Chippewa Run Buffum: near Cedar Carlson/Price: Lake Leelanau Waterhshed Casier Farm: Empire Charter […]
Lighthouse West: Critical Bird Habitat
Each spring, a host of warblers, tanagers, orioles and other colorful jewels of the skyfind their way into Leelanau County. Most of these birds have over wintered in the tropics; […]

Volunteering—One Volunteer’s Story
Every summer my family and I drive up from Florida to spend two weeks with my husband’s parents at their cottage on Lake Leelanau. Over 20 summers in Leland, the […]

Glen Lake/Crystal River Watershed: A Plan to Protect a Precious Resource
From our 2005 Summer Newsletter Glen Lake, framed by a dramatic rise of Sleeping Bear to the west, and surrounded by high-forested moraines to the east and south, presents one […]

Founders Society
The Founder’s Society recognizes those donors whose generous and long-term support has resulted in cumulative lifetime giving of $25,000 or more to any variety of funds. Many individuals in the […]
DeYoung Natural Area Video
All about the EMU Graduate Program in Historic Preservation and its partnership with the Leelanau Conservancy in preserving the DeYoung Natural Area farmstead buildings.

Birds spotted or heard April 2006 at the Kehl Lake Natural Area
Along Densmore Road: Double-crested Cormorant Mute Swan Canada Goose Common Merganser Northern Harrier Sharp-shinned Hawk Ruffed Grouse, heard Killdeer, heard Mourning Dove Belted Kingfisher Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, heard Downy Wood-pecker Northern […]