The Conservancy currently owns two Forest Reserves, Palmer Woods Forest Reserve and Krumweide Forest Reserve, that we manage as working forest lands. We also assist private landowners with their forest management as outlined in the terms of their conservation easements. Our philosophy is to sustainably manage the forest while protecting the conservation values and sensitive areas, such as wetlands, streams, and steep ridges; as such we work with approved Forest Management Plans (FMP’s) that are written by a certified forester to guide the forestry practices on our properties. The FMP outlines the different forest types, what species can be harvested and when it makes sense to harvest them. The goal of the FMP is to give us a framework within which to implement our long term vision for managing the forest sustainably.
Forestry Assistance Program
The Federal Forestry Assistance Program provides an initial professional contact with landowners who are interested in forest management on their property.
The Leelanau Conservation District now has a district forester, Kama Ross, through the Forestry Assistance Program. Kama works to provide initial professional contact with landowers who are interested in forest management on their property. Her role is to provide general guidance, basic management planning and referrals to other public and private resource professionals. Contact: Kama Ross, 231-256-9783,
Forestry Resources
The Conservancy keeps a list of area foresters we have worked with in the past on our conservation easement properties. We do not require landowners to use the foresters on this list, however the foresters are familiar with conserved land. Call the office for a list of foresters we have worked with.
The state has a forest stewardship program that provides some cost share funding for forest management plans. Click here to learn more.