Whaleback Tree Planting Workbee - The Leelanau Conservancy


Whaleback Tree Planting Workbee

Wednesday, May 4th | 10:00am

Come join some of the LC Stewardship staff for a tree planting workbee at Whaleback Natural Area. We will be planting around 200 White Pine, Shagbark Hickory, Aspen, White Oak, Sassafras, Service Berry, and Flowering Dogwood trees and shrubs.

All equipment should be provided and already staged at the tree planting area (so volunteers won’t need to do much heavy lifting). Unless we get a crazy amount of volunteers sign up, I don’t think we’ll limit the event size either. Let Americorps member Emma Somers [email protected] or LeighAnna Peck [email protected] know if you have any questions!