Habitat Restoration Workbee at Clay Cliffs - The Leelanau Conservancy


Habitat Restoration Workbee at Clay Cliffs

Wednesday, May 3rd | 10:00am

Join us for a tree planting Workbee at Clay Cliffs Natural Area on May 3, 2023. In response to invasive species causing die off of Ash (Emerald Ash Borer) and Beech (Beech Bark Disease) we will be adding an additional 200 trees to help keep the Clay Cliffs forest healthy and resilient for generations to come. This planting is especially important because the spring ephemerals that make Clay Cliffs a woodland wonderland every year in May to early June rely on a closed canopy forest to thrive.

Our tree selection for this planting focuses on a mix of pioneer tree species that will grow quickly and fill canopy gaps as well as other tree and shrub species that match site conditions and provide excellent wildlife value:

Black Cherry, Bur Oak, Tulip Poplar, Paper Birch, Flowering Dogwood, Black Elderberry, Witch Hazel.

Dress comfortably for the weather and bring your water bottle. We’ll see you there!

Photo by: Mark Smith