Over the last 11 years of living in the county, life has been good to Tom Balazs and Liz Ketterer. Their connection to Leelanau and the community grows deeper with […]

Over the last 11 years of living in the county, life has been good to Tom Balazs and Liz Ketterer. Their connection to Leelanau and the community grows deeper with […]
One of our members lost her sister—way too young—to brain cancer. The two women were quite close, and often walked our Whaleback Natural Area trail together before cancer struck. “She […]
Captain Claude Lambert has been a member since 2003, but this year he decided to join the Sustainer Circle because “I love Leelanau County, and it’s one place I can […]
From our 2010 Spring Newsletter Sustainer Treva DeJong has always been a planner. She is a firm believer that big things can happen if they are tackled a little bit […]
From our 2009 Fall Newsletter August 2009–A group of teenagers who spend part of their summer on Northport Point—29 to be exact—held their ninth annual triathlon in early August, 2009. […]