It’s wildflower time in Leelanau—a time of wonder and renewal. We are sad to report that the annual Wildflower Rescue Sale will not take place this Memorial Day Weekend due to Covid-19. Instead, we asked members to share photos of wildflowers from their gardens that were purchased in past sales, or wildflowers captured on a hike at one of our natural areas. Thanks to everyone who sent in photos. Learn the names of these beauties and let’s all look forward to a 2021 Wildflower Rescue Sale! Also, here is a link to a great Native Michigan Wildflowers site to learn more. Read more about the wonderful volunteer group who has rescued wildflowers for 25 years, raising significant funds for the Leelanau Conservancy as well as awareness. Finally, if you plan to build in the future, please let us rescue wildflowers before the bulldozers arrive—learn more about how that works here.