Captain Claude Lambert has been a member since 2003, but this year he decided to join the Sustainer Circle because “I love Leelanau County, and it’s one place I can come back to and it’s still the same,” he says. The 30-year-old captain has done tours all over the world and stopped into our office in late June. He said he wanted to join the Sustainers Circle before deploying to Afghanistan in late July. He is with the 4th Brigade, 82nd Airborne Division out of Fort Bragg, NC. “Whenever we can, we come to Leelanau,” says Claude, father of two. Claude’s mother owns a house near Sugarloaf, and he and his family stay there when in the area. “I like how proactive the Conservancy has been in preserving land. I’ve also been on some docent-led hikes and appreciate that the Conservancy is educating people about nature and why we need to conserve land. I’m joining the Sustainers Circle so that the Conservancy can preserve more of it.”
Thanks, Claude, for working to make the world a better place, both locally and globally. Conservancy Sustainers do just what their name implies—they sustain our organization with their annual gifts. The dependable support from this deeply committed group has allowed us to take on big projects and to hire a professional staff needed to carry out our mission. Sustainers make a non-binding commitment to contribute to our operating fund annually. Giving levels start at $500. Benefits include special recognition in our publications, and special hikes/gatherings where Sustainers can meet our staff and others who share their commitment to our work.